Oulu Music Festival



Each venue of the Oulu Music Festival is a discrimination- and harassment-free area. If you observe any discrimination, harassment, or other inappropriate behavior, please report it immediately to the nearest security personnel or the Oulu Music Festival staff. If you prefer, you can also contact us via email: info(at)omj.fi.


We organize events in several different venues. Accessibility information for each event can be found on the event's individual page. You can find the event-specific pages at Upcoming Events page.

People with physical or sensory disabilities have the right to a free ticket for their assistant. You can obtain an assistant ticket from ticket sales points or by calling the ticket broker's customer service. Please bring your assistant card (e.g., EU Disability Card, assistant card, visual impairment card) or equivalent proof with you on the day of the event.

Culture belongs to everyone, and everyone has the right to attend concerts and festivals, even if their financial situation is tight. For this reason, Oulu Music Festival is also part of the Kaikukortti network. A limited number of Kaikukortti tickets are available for each of our events, which can be obtained by presenting the Kaikukortti at the Cultural Centre Valve's ticket office and Oulu10 ticket sales points. Read more about the Kaikukortti at City of Oulu's website.

The Oulu Music Festival also organizes admission free events annually. Check out the upcoming program on the Upcoming Events page.


We follow the principles of a safe space at our events. Our safe space principles are:  

Give space  

Respect everyone's personal space, autonomy, and privacy. Do not touch others without asking for permission. Allow everyone the peace to enjoy the event. 


Do not make assumptions about others. Do not mock, demean, or discriminate against anyone. Everyone is welcome at our events just as they are.  


Take responsibility for your own actions. Report any inappropriate behavior you witness to the event staff. Do not tolerate inappropriate behavior.