Our Arms Grew Together is a live self-portrait of the love relationship between the couple Marta & Kim. In a world that celebrates independence, they choose deliberately for interdependency.
Marta & Kim are in search of physical metaphors for their relationship. This unfolds in an intimate, honest, almost documentary universe of what normally stays behind closed doors: the sensuality and vulnerability of becoming one body with two people. At the same time, it shows the discomfort of it: literally not being able to walk away from each other and letting go of control and personal agenda.
If ‘trusting you with my life’ is not only a metaphor, but a physical reality, then everything that is at stake becomes tangible. Do we dare to lose ourselves in a joint identity and depend on each other?
The virtuoso duo, dancer Kim-Jomi Fischer (NL) and circus artist Marta Alstadsæter (NO) combine contemporary dance and circus in a very organic way in their work. They have visited Oulu with their previous duet Engel (2019) and performed in Flow Production´s piece Varikko (2022).
Kim-Jomi Fischer
Marta Alstadsæter
Esityksen kesto noin 1 h
Age limit +14
The performance contains nudity.
Ticket prices: Prices: 25 € normal / 20 € pensioner / 10 € student, unemployed, children (3–17 v)
Ticketmaster Finland across the country. A service fee is included in the ticket price. A separate Ticketmaster order fee of 1,50–2,00 € per order is added. Tickets without a service fee from Culture Centre Valve. A limited amount of Kaikukortti-tickets are available.
A Festival Pass is also available for the Oulu Music Festival 12.-26.3.2023, which allows the participation intwenty of the festival's concerts. The OMJ 2023 Festival Pass is on sale until March 1, 2023, in limited amount.
Oulun musiikkijuhlasäätiö ja Flow Productions